Stay Prepared: Long-Lasting food storage during a black-out
Extend food shelf life with Airtender during blackouts. Vacuum storage keeps food fresh longer, helping you stay prepared and reduce waste in emergencies.
2 boneless chicken breasts
One 500 ml jar, plus two 20 cm skewers. Nanostopper and Vacuum Pump or Airtender Electric
Begin by cutting each chicken breast into five pieces and placing them in the jar. Then cut the onion into quarters and separate the layers. Now cut the deseeded pepper into eight pieces and add these to the jar along with the chopped herbs, bay leaves, lemon and peppercorns. Now crush a clove of garlic and add this too, plus the other clove, cut in half. Next, pour in the vinegar followed by the oil.
Close the jar with the lid, insert a Nanostopper and pump to vacuum with your hand pump or Electric. Leave for 15 minutes.
Soak wooden skewers for 30 minutes in hot water, then pre-heat the grill to its highest setting for 10 minutes. Thread a bay leaf on to each skewer, followed by a slice of lemon. Then alternate the chicken pieces with pepper and onion, finishing up with half a clove of garlic and the other slice of lemon.
Season with salt and pepper, then grill - turning once and brushing frequently with the marinade for 20 minutes.
Extend food shelf life with Airtender during blackouts. Vacuum storage keeps food fresh longer, helping you stay prepared and reduce waste in emergencies.
Marinating, infusing and pickling takes only a third of your time. Create delicious meat or pickles in no-time.
Infuse vodka with the delicious taste of multiple red fruit. A taste infusion that create a taste explosion.