Organic Savings Days - Airtender Zoetermeer
November 30, 2024 - Come and enjoy free tastings and save on your organic shopping during the Organic Sale Days at Airtender!
Any bartender will tell you that layered cocktails take lots of expertise and effort to create, unless you use the Precision Aerator and keep a few basic rules in mind. Just follow the step-by-step-instructions and you'll be impressing everyone in no time.
Select and prepare your ingredients.
Whatever you do, always keep in mind that the cocktail layers are created by using liquids that have a weight difference. Lighter layers will float on top of heavier ones.
Create your own unique combinations. Use the table at the bottom of this page to see if the layers will stack.
Pour the first layer.
Again, start with the heaviest liquid. Usually that will be the one with the most sugar content. You can check the weight differences with table at the bottom. A minimum difference of 0.02 will get you the best results.
Set the Airtender® to AIR mode 1 and activate. Don't worry, the Aerator will not start until you take the next step.
Pour the remaining layers.
Activate the Precision Aerator by closing the control valve on top. Pour the liquids layer by layer against the Aerator tube. The liquid will foam when it reaches the microfilter and gently land on top of the layer below.
Keep the Precision Aerator above the layer while pouring to get the best possible result.
November 30, 2024 - Come and enjoy free tastings and save on your organic shopping during the Organic Sale Days at Airtender!
Extend food shelf life with Airtender during blackouts. Vacuum storage keeps food fresh longer, helping you stay prepared and reduce waste in emergencies.
Marinating, infusing and pickling takes only a third of your time. Create delicious meat or pickles in no-time.