Remove odour from jars

Each glass canister is a perfect vacuum storage container. But of course the eye also wants something :)

With Nanostopper® you can decide which jars you prefer to use. However, there is of course a chance that there may have been products in the beautiful jar that smell very much.

Can't you get the smell out of the jar in the dishwasher? Then we give you 2 tips to completely remove the smell, so you can use every jar you like as a vacuum storage container! 

Tip 1 Boil jars with soda

One of the best ways to get a nasty smell out of jars is by boiling them clean.
Before you start, make sure that the jars have been rinsed thoroughly. Put a pan on the stove, put the pots and pans in it and fill the pan with water. Throw in a little soda and bring this to the boil.
Let this boil for about 15 minutes and let the jars drain.

Note: Temperature differences can cause glass to crack. So do not add a cold glass to boiling water and vice versa. 

Tip 2 Getting odour out of the lids with vinegar or boiling

An important cause of odour in a jar is often the lid. People often forget to clean the lid as well. The lid can be cleaned well and then boiled along with Tip 1.

If the smell in a lid is stubborn or you are looking for another way to clean a lid. Then you can put the lid in a container with vinegar and leave it there for a few days. The unpleasant smells will soon be gone.

Caution: Do not put the lids in the dishwasher. All jars have a lid made of tin, which can rust because of the dishwasher salt. Cooking clean with soda or in a container with vinegar does wonders!

Start turning old pots into sustainable storage containers today!


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